
Purpose. The aim of the article is to develop a simulation model of internal product flow management processes of pharmacy networks. Methodology of research. The theoretical basis for building a system and dynamic model of flow control in the logistics system of the pharmacy network are scientific articles by domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of management of logistics and flow of pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy networks. The following research methods are used to achieve this goal: analysis and synthesis (in the study of the theoretical foundations of the formation of logistics systems of pharmacy networks); economic and mathematical modelling (to optimize the management of domestic commodity flows). Findings. A simulation system and dynamic model of product flow management of the logistics system of the pharmacy network in conditions of demand uncertainty has been developed, in particular: 1) the input variables and parameters of the commodity flow management model in the logistics system of the pharmacy network are studied, the limitations and conditions of its application are formed; 2) a system of difference equations of levels, rates and auxiliary variables of the model is developed. Originality. Scientific and methodological approach to the management of commodity flows of logistics systems of pharmacy networks in terms of random demand is improved on the basis of a simulation model of system dynamics. It includes a sub-model of commodity flows and a sub-model of accounting for logistics costs, the implementation of which within the mechanism of management of commodity flows of logistics systems of pharmacy networks allows to simplify the process of analysis and management of the pharmacy network management decisions of operational and tactical nature. Practical value. The results of the study can be applied in practical activities of pharmacy networks in order to increase the efficiency of formation and operation of their logistics systems. Key words: commodity flow management, logistics systems of pharmacy networks, optimization, modelling.

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