
Recombinant plasmids composed of Bacillus subtilis 168 leucine genes and a B. subtilis (natto) plasmid have been constructed in a recombination deficient (recE4) mutant of Bacillus subtilis 168. The process involved EcoRI fragmentation and ligation of a B. subtilis (natto) plasmid and a composite plasmid RSF2124-B · leu in which B. subtilis 168 leucine genes are linked to the R-factor RSF2124. A constructed plasmid (pLS102) was found to be composed of an EcoRI fragment derived from the vector plasmid and two tandemly repeated EcoRI fragments carrying the leucine genes. A derivative plasmid (pLS101 or pLS103) consisting of one molecule each of the EcoRI fragments was obtained by in vivo intramolecular recombination between the repeated leucine gene fragments in pLS102. pLS103 was cleaved once with BamNI, SmaI and HpaI. Insertion of foreign DNA (Escherichia coli plasmid pBR322) into the BamNI site inactivated leuA but not the leuC function which thus can serve as selective marker if the plasmid is used as vector in molecular cloning. The penicillin resistance carried in pBR322 was not functionally expressed in B. subtilis cells. By partial digestion of pLS103 with HindIII followed by ligation with T4-induced ligase, pLS107 was obtained which contained only one EcoRI site. However, insertion of exogenous DNA (pBR322) into this EcoRI site inactivated both leuA and leuC functions.

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