
Surgical procedures often rely on unaided visual observation or endoscopic assistance, which may pose challenges in cases involving intricate anatomical relationships. Real-time imaging technologies capable of intraoperative visualization of target organs have the potential to enhance the precision of surgical procedures by facilitating accurate identification, separation, and protection of vital tissues or organs. Despite these advantages, the widespread adoption of such technologies has been hindered by factors such as the prohibitive cost of equipment. This study aims to optimize and develop a device based on Indocyanine Green (ICG) for fluorescence imaging. The objective is to monitor changes in the average fluorescence intensity of ICG in the bladder, offering valuable guidance for surgeries involving the bladder. 1. Male rabbits were administered 0.01mg/ml ICG via the renal pelvis and ear vein to obtain fluorescence images of the ureter, bladder, and small intestine. 2. After ligating the bilateral ureters of male rabbits, a retrograde bladder perfusion of 5ml 0.01mg/ml ICG was conducted to capture fluorescence images of the bladder over time. The average fluorescence intensity was computed using Image Pro Plus 6.0, and the corresponding curve was generated using Prism 8.0. Using a similar methodology, the average fluorescence intensity of male rabbits without ureteral ligation was measured and plotted over time. 1. The developed device facilitated imaging of the ureter, bladder, and small intestine. 2. The bladder's average fluorescence intensity exhibited changes over time in response to urine production and ureteral ligation, contrasting with observations without ureteral ligation. We have successfully constructed and optimized a modular fluorescence imaging system for organs and tissues. This system proves effective in imaging experiments involving hollow organs in animals and offers valuable insights for relevant surgical procedures.

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