
Modern thermal power is built based on three components: generation, transmission, and distribution of thermal energy. In this industry, another fourth element which was previously virtually absent is energy storage. Energy storage completely change our usual heat supply system. Heat storage is a serious factor in saving energy and improving environmental safety. The introduction of autonomous high and low potential heat storage systems is a real opportunity for the development of Intelligence Smart Grid heating systems. Therefore, the study of mobile heat storage batteries and the choice of methods for their design calculation and performance is an important task of modern science and technology. For this purpose, a study was conducted to determine the charging and discharge time of a mobile heat accumulator, depending on the type, volume, and temperature of the heat storage material. Types of thermal energy accumulation, classes of thermal accumulators, range of operating temperatures for a thermal accumulator were analyzed, design features of accumulators, operating time and methods of calculation of design parameters were considered. It is concluded that the method of calculation of MTA depends on the selected type of heat storage material. Although, phase transition materials have a higher heat storage density than liquid solutions, the design of liquid thermal batteries is much more attractive regarding technological, technical, and economic parameters. As a result of the study, the dependence of the MTA charging rate on the heat source power was obtained, the required amount of heat was determined, the average battery cooling time from the volume of the heat storage material, and the heat losses through the MTA body was analyzed. The results obtained must be taken into account when choosing the design and capacity of the battery.


  • В данной работе проанализированы факторы и особенности, влияющие на проведение конструкторских расчётов тепловых аккумуляторов

  • Classification of thermal accumulators and the method of their calculation depending on the selected heat-storage material are gaven

  • The study of mobile heat storage batteries and the choice of methods for their design calculation and performance is an important task of modern science and technology

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В данной работе проанализированы факторы и особенности, влияющие на проведение конструкторских расчётов тепловых аккумуляторов. Пристрої для зберігання теплоти є важливими елементами SmartGrid систем теплозабезпечення, особливо в системах, що використовують поновлювані джерела енергії. Для виконання дослідження необхідно проаналізувати види накопичення теплової енергії, класи теплових акумуляторів, діапазон робочих температур теплового акумулятора, різноманітні конструктивні особливості апаратів, час експлуатації та методи розрахунку конструктивних параметрів.

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