
To construct and validate an educational video for the guidance of parents of children who require clean intermittent catheterization. Methodological study, developed in two stages: construction and validation of the video was performed by experienced judges from March to December 2016. The construction of the technology had the Theory of Adaptation as theoretical reference. For the data analysis, the intraclass correlation index was used. The first version of the video was 12 minutes, after validation the replacement of technical terms by colloquial language, dynamism in dialogues and the mention of handwashing before assembling the material was recommended. With regard to total reliability, the intraclass correlation coefficient for all the categories evaluated was 0.768, considered reasonable. In the evaluation of language clarity, relevance to practice and theoretical relevance, the results were 0.745, 0.771 and 0.777, respectively, considered reasonable, with p<0.0001. The educational video was valid regarding appearance and content, with potential to mediate educational practices in hospital and outpatient settings.

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