
The innermost stations of the current ATLAS muon end-cap system, the Small Wheels, must be upgraded in 2019 to retain their good precision tracking and trigger capabilities in the high background environment expected with the upcoming luminosity increase of the LHC. The New Small Wheels (NSW) will employ two chamber technologies: eight layers of MicroMegas (MM) arranged in two quadruplets, sandwiched between two quadruplets of small-strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC) for a total of about 2400 m2 of detection planes. All quadruplets have trapezoidal shapes with surface areas between 1 and 3 m2. Both MM and sTGC systems will independently provide trigger and tracking capabilities. The readout boards are industrially produced for both technologies and an accurate quality control is needed. In order to achieve a 15% transverse momentum resolution for 1 TeV muons, in addition to an excellent intrinsic resolution (010 μm), the mechanical precision of each plane of the assembled modules must be as good as 30 μm along the precision coordinate and 80 μm perpendicular to the chamber. In 2016 the milestone to build the first module-0 prototypes for both technologies has been reached. The construction procedure of the module-0 detectors will be reviewed, along with the results of the quality control checks performed during construction. The module-0 have been measured and subjected to a thorough validation. Results obtained with high-energy particle beams, with cosmic rays and with X-rays will be presented.

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