
Boundary representations (B-reps) and constructive solid geometry (CSG) are widely used representation schemes for solids. While the problem of computing a B-rep from a CSG representation is relatively well understood, the inverse problem of B-rep to CSG conversion has not been addressed in general. The ability to perform B-rep to CSG conversion has important implications for the architecture of solid modelling systems and, in addition, is of considerable theoretical interest.The paper presents a general approach to B-rep to CSG conversion based on a partition of Euclidean space by surfaces induced from a B-rep, and on the well known fact that closed regular sets and regularized set operations form a Boolean algebra. It is shown that the conversion problem is well defined, and that the solution results in a CSG representation that is unique for a fixed set of halfspaces that serve as a ‘basis’ for the representation. The ‘basis’ set contains halfspaces induced from a B-rep plus additional non-unique separating halfspaces.An important characteristic of B-rep to CSG conversion is the size of a resulting CSG representation. We consider minimization of CSG representations in some detail and suggest new minimization techniques.While many important geometric and combinatorial issues remain open, a companion paper shows that the proposed approach to B-rep to CSG conversion and minimization is effective in E2, In E3, an experimental system currently converts natural-quadric B-reps in PARASOLID to efficient CSG representations in PADL-2.

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