
A stoichiometric model describing the central metabolism of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 wild-type and derivative strains was developed and used in elementary mode analysis (EMA). Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 can anaerobically respire a diverse pool of electron acceptors, and may be applied in several biotechnology settings, including bioremediation of toxic metals, electricity generation in microbial fuel cells, and whole-cell biocatalysis. The metabolic model presented here was adapted and verified by comparing the growth phenotypes of 13 single- and 1 double-knockout strains, while considering respiration via aerobic, anaerobic fumarate, and anaerobic metal reduction (Mtr) pathways, and utilizing acetate, n-acetylglucosamine (NAG), or lactate as carbon sources. The gene ppc, which encodes phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (Ppc), was determined to be necessary for aerobic growth on NAG and lactate, while not essential for growth on acetate. This suggests that Ppc is the only active anaplerotic enzyme when cultivated on lactate and NAG. The application of regulatory and substrate limitations to EMA has enabled creation of metabolic models that better reflect biological conditions, and significantly reduce the solution space for each condition, facilitating rapid strain optimization. This wild-type model can be easily adapted to include utilization of different carbon sources or secretion of different metabolic products, and allows the prediction of single- and multiple-knockout strains that are expected to operate under defined conditions with increased efficiency when compared to wild type cells.

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