
The cellular environment is dense and complex, and imaging with 3D single-molecule super-resolution microscopy requires careful consideration of appropriate illumination methods to use in relation to the goals of the study. There is, however, typically a tradeoff between performance and simplicity when selecting illumination schemes. Epi-illumination is a common and simple technique, but it generates high unwanted background fluorescence and causes photodamage and photobleaching throughout the imaged cell. Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) is another technique which provides excellent contrast, but it is limited to imaging a thin volume at the bottom of a sample and is thus incompatible with whole-cell imaging. Light sheet illumination is an alternative, whole-cell compatible approach where a thin sheet of light is directed orthogonally to the detection axis to optically section a cell and reduce the fluorescence background, photobleaching, and photodamage. In this work we demonstrate a versatile microscopy platform which integrates the sectioning and background reducing capability of light sheet illumination with homogeneous, flat-field epi- and TIRF illumination. A flat-field intensity profile improves the control of fluorophore blinking kinetics and the resolution across the entire field of view when compared to a standard Gaussian intensity profile. Additionally, this microscope is designed to allow very fast switching between illumination modalities and laser wavelengths, using primarily commercially available parts. When combined with point spread function engineering, our system conveniently enables 3D single-molecule super-resolution imaging and molecular counting throughout whole cells with optimized and adjustable illumination modalities.

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