
On a complex manifold, a co-Higgs bundle is a holomorphic vector bundle with an endomorphism twisted by the tangent bundle. The notion of generalized holomorphic bundle in Hitchin's generalized geometry coincides with that of co-Higgs bundle when the generalized complex manifold is ordinary complex. Schwarzenberger's rank-2 vector bundle on the projective plane, constructed from a line bundle on the double cover CP^1 \times CP^1 \to CP^2, is naturally a co-Higgs bundle, with the twisted endomorphism, or "Higgs field", also descending from the double cover. Allowing the branch conic to vary, we find that Schwarzenberger bundles give rise to an 8-dimensional moduli space of co-Higgs bundles. After studying the deformation theory for co-Higgs bundles on complex manifolds, we conclude that a co-Higgs bundle arising from a Schwarzenberger bundle with nonzero Higgs field is rigid, in the sense that a nearby deformation is again Schwarzenberger.

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