
The primordial non-Gaussianity induces scale-dependent bias of the \hi with respect to the underlying dark matter, which exhibits features on the very large scales of the 21-cm power spectrum potentially observable with \hi intensity mapping observations. We forecast the prospective constraints on the four fundamental shapes of primordial non-Gaussianity (local, equilateral, orthogonal, and enfolded), with the current and future \hi intensity mapping experiments, BINGO, FAST, and SKA-I. With the current configuration of the experiments and assumed one-year observation time, we find that the SKA-I will provide tighter constraints on the local shape of primoridal non-Gaussianity than Planck. The results are $(\sigma_{f^{\rm local}_{\rm NL}},\sigma_{f^{\rm equil}_{\rm NL}},\sigma_{f^{\rm orth}_{\rm NL}},\sigma_{f^{\rm enfold}_{\rm NL}})_{\rm SKA-I}=(0.54, 86, 25, 43)$, $(\sigma_{f^{\rm local}_{\rm NL}},\sigma_{f^{\rm equil}_{\rm NL}},\sigma_{f^{\rm orth}_{\rm NL}},\sigma_{f^{\rm enfold}_{\rm NL}})_{\rm BINGO}=(17, 100, 128, 164)$, $(\sigma_{f^{\rm local}_{\rm NL}},\sigma_{f^{\rm equil}_{\rm NL}},\sigma_{f^{\rm orth}_{\rm NL}},\sigma_{f^{\rm enfold}_{\rm NL}})_{\rm FAST}=(9.5, 44, 75, 94)$. If the lower frequency band of FAST can be used, the constraint on local-type primordial non-Gaussianity will be $\sigma_{f_\mathrm{NL}}\sim1.62$ which is better than Planck. In addition, if the observation time for FAST could be extended to two years, the constraint on the equilateral shape of primordial non-Gaussianity would be improved to $\sigma_{f_\mathrm{NL}}\sim32$. Similarly, if the observational time of SKA-I could be extended to two years, the constraint on local and orthogonal shapes could be improved to $0.43$ and $20$, respectively, achieving better constraints than Planck.

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