
We use Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) data from Y. Wang (2008) to put additional constraints on a set of cosmological dark energy models based on the holographic principle. GRBs are among the most complex and energetic astrophysical events known in the universe offering us the opportunity to obtain information from the history of cosmic expansion up to about redshift of $z\sim 6$. These astrophysical objects provide us a complementary observational test to determine the nature of dark energy by complementing the information of data from Supernovas (e.g. Union 2.1 compilation). We found that the $\Lambda CDM$ model gives the best fit to the observational data, although our statistical analysis ($\Delta AIC$ and $\Delta BIC$) shows that the models studied in this work ("Hubble Radius Scale" and "Ricci Scale Q") have a reasonable agreement with respect to the most successful, except for the "Ricci Scale CPL" and "Future Event Horizon" models, which can be ruled out by the present study. However, these results reflect the importance of GRBs measurements to provide additional observational constraints to alternative cosmological models, which are mandatory to clarify the way in which the paradigm of dark energy or any alternative model is correct.

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