
Biotechnology has potential to enhance the production of agricultural and industrial products for achieving food security and economic development. In agriculture, biotechnology enhances the production of high yielding and disease resistance crops necessary for achieving food security and industrial development. This paper examines the constraints in the application of biotechnology research to the production of cassava in Nigeria. The study utilized primary data collected through questionnaire administration and interview from three research institutions working on cassava biotechnology in Nigeria. Findings showed that weak infrastructural facilities, poor funding, inadequate competent personnel and absence of appropriate legislation are the constraints in the application of biotechnology to cassava production in Nigeria. In addition, one out of the three research institutions has adequate and regular electricity supply through its own captive power plant while the remaining two research institutions relied more on electricity from the national grid. Inadequate funding and shortage of competent personnel were peculiar challenge confronting all the research institutions covered by the study. The study recommends improvement in electricity supply, production of more biotechnology scientists and adequate funding to enhance biotechnology research in Nigeria.

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