
The atmospheric distributions of the aerosol tracers 210Pb and 7Be are simulated with a global three‐dimensional model driven by assimilated meteorological observations for 1991–1996 from the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS1). The combination of terrigenic 210Pb and cosmogenic 7Be provides a sensitive test of wet deposition and vertical transport in the model. Our simulation of moist transport and removal includes scavenging in wet convective updrafts (40% scavenging efficiency per kilometer of updraft), midlevel entrainment and detrainment, first‐order rainout and washout from both convective anvils and large‐scale precipitation, and cirrus precipitation. Observations from surface sites in specific years are compared to model results for the corresponding meteorological years, and observations from aircraft missions over the Pacific are compared to model results for the days of the flights. Initial simulation of 7Be showed that cross‐tropopause transport in the GEOS1 meteorological fields is too fast by a factor of 3–4. We adjusted the stratospheric 7Be source to correct the tropospheric simulation. Including this correction, we find that the model gives a good simulation of observed 210Pb and 7Be concentrations and deposition fluxes at surface sites worldwide, with no significant global bias and with significant success in reproducing the observed latitudinal and seasonal distributions. We achieve several improvements over previous models; in particular, we reproduce the observed 7Be minimum in the tropics and show that its simulation is sensitive to rainout from convective anvils. Comparisons with aircraft observations up to 12‐km altitude suggest that cirrus precipitation could be important for explaining the low concentrations in the middle and upper troposphere.


  • 1994]wasnot captured.Usingthe ECMWF modeland We presentin this paper a wet depositionscheme a first-orderscavengingparameterizationdevelopedby implemented in the GEOS-CHEM model and evaluate

  • Lawrenceand Crutzen[1998, hereafterreferredto stratospherifcrom tropospheripcroductionof 7Be in asLC98]pointedout that the gravitationalsettlingof the modelon the basisof the locallydiagnosedthermal cloud particles may have an effect on HNO3 concen- tropopauseand simulate7Beproducedin the stratotrations in the upper troposphereand might af- sphere as a separate tracer. lesults indicate excessive fect aerosols. The effect of this settling is to trans- cross-tropopausteransport in the GEOS archive,which port aerosolsfrom the upperto the middle/lowertro- we can chooseto correct artificially by scaling down posphere.We apply the schemeonly to cirrusprecipi- thestratospheri7cBesourcein thesimulationof tropotation, as definedby stratiform cloudsabove400 hPa; spheric?Be.The reductionrequiredis a factorof 4 in we do not considerthe gravitational settling of cloud the GEOS1 archivewith 40 x 50 horizontalresolution,a liquid droplets, which generallyhave smaller settling factor of 3 in the samearchivewith 20 x 2.50 resolution, velocities

  • The model is sampledwithin each region over We find that cirrus precipitation is important for the the time periodof the measurementsu,singthe GEOS simulationof 21øpband 7Bein the middleand upper meteorologicarl chivesfor the appropriateyears(1994 tropospherefor the iP and NA1 regions.Without cirand 1996)

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TheNASA Data AssimilationOffice(DAO) [Schuberett al., 1993;Allen et al, 1996b].Simulationof both21øpb. B93 and K96 simulatedthe global distributionsof simulationof 2øPband?Bein a globalmodelteststhe 2øPband?Be,respectiveluys,inga generaclirculation ability of the model to describetransport of continen- model(GCM) developedat the GoddardInstitutefor tal air overthe oceans[Turekianet al., 1989;Balkan- SpaceStudies(GISS). They computedscavenginbgy ski et al, 1993,hereafterreferredto asB93],transport convectiveprecipitationas part of the wet convective fromthestratospher[eRangamjanandGopalakrishnan,mass transport, instead of separately as a first-order. The observedtropical minimumin surface?Be con- simulationof øPb althoughtheyproducesimilardiscentrations[Viezeeand $ingh, 1980; Uematsuet al., tributions of 2Rn. 1994]wasnot captured.Usingthe ECMWF modeland We presentin this paper a wet depositionscheme a first-orderscavengingparameterizationdevelopedby implemented in the GEOS-CHEM model and evaluate.

Budgets and Global Distributions dry deposition
Sensitivity Studies
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