
We provide a systematic study of hybrid neutron star equations of state (EOS) consisting of a relativistic density functional for the hadronic phase and a covariant nonlocal Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (nlNJL) model to describe the color superconducting quark matter phase. Changing the values of the two free parameters, the dimensionless vector and diquark coupling strengths ${\ensuremath{\eta}}_{V}$ and ${\ensuremath{\eta}}_{D}$ results in a set of EOS with varying stiffness and deconfinement onset. The favorable parameters are obtained from a systematic Bayesian analysis for which the multimessenger constraint on the neutron star radius at $14{M}_{\ensuremath{\bigodot}}$ and the combined mass-radius constraint for PSR $\mathrm{J}0740+6620$ from NICER experiment are used as the constraints. Additionally, the transition from hadronic matter to deconfined quark matter is constrained to occur above nuclear saturation density. Hybrid stars modeled with these favorable parameters are compatible with the NICER results for the radius of the highest known mass neutron star, PSR $\mathrm{J}0740+6620$. Three new observations interesting for neutron star phenomenology are reported: (i) we show that the constant sound speed (CSS) EOS provides an excellent fit to that of the nlNJL model which implies the squared speed of sound at high densities to be about 0.5 for the optimized parameters; (ii) we give a simple functional form for the mapping between the parameter spaces of these two models valid for the whole range of relevant chemical potentials and (iii) we observe that the special point property of hybrid EOS based on CSS quark matter generalizes to a set of lines consisting of special points when two EOS parameters are varied instead of one. A lower limit for the maximum mass of hybrid stars as a function of the vector coupling strength is obtained.

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