
For two graphs S and T, the constrained Ramsey number f(S, T) is the minimum n such that every edge colouring of the complete graph on n vertices (with any number of colours) has a monochromatic subgraph isomorphic to S or a rainbow subgraph isomorphic to T. Here, a subgraph is said to be rainbow if all of its edges have different colours. It is an immediate consequence of the Erdős–Rado Canonical Ramsey Theorem that f(S, T) exists if and only if S is a star or T is acyclic. Much work has been done to determine the rate of growth of f(S, T) for various types of parameters. When S and T are both trees having s and t edges respectively, Jamison, Jiang and Ling showed that f(S, T) ≤ O(st2) and conjectured that it is always at most O(st). They also mentioned that one of the most interesting open special cases is when T is a path. In this paper, we study this case and show that f(S, Pt) = O(st log t), which differs only by a logarithmic factor from the conjecture. This substantially improves the previous bounds for most values of s and t.

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