
With the imminent start of LHC experiments, development of phenomenological tools, and in particular the Monte Carlo programs and algorithms, becomes urgent. A new algorithm for the generation of a parton shower initiated by the single initial hadron beam is presented. The new algorithm is of the class of the so-called “constrained MC” type algorithm (an alternative to the backward evolution MC algorithm), in which the energy and the type of the parton at the end of the parton shower are constrained (predefined). The complete kinematics configurations with explicitly constructed four momenta are generated and tested. Evolution time is identical with rapidity and minimum transverse momentum is used as an infrared cut-off. All terms of the leading-logarithmic approximation in the DGLAP evolution are properly accounted for. In addition, the essential improvements towards the so-called CCFM/BFKL models are also properly implemented. The resulting parton distributions are cross-checked up to the 10 −3 precision level with the help of a multitude of comparisons with other MC and non-MC programs. We regard these tests as an important asset to be exploited at the time when the presented MC will enter as a building block in a larger MC program for W / Z production process at LHC.

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