
Defects in dendritic cells (DCs) development and function lead to autoimmune disorders. Autoimmune diabetes in humans and NOD mice results from a breakdown of self-tolerance, ending in T cell-mediated β-cell destruction. DCs dysfunction in NOD mice results in part from a defect in the JAK-STAT5 signaling pathway associated with the idd4 susceptibility locus. The involvement of Stat5b in DCs tolerogenic functions remains unknown. We have generated transgenic mice (NOD.CD11cStat5b−CA) expressing a constitutively active form of the Stat5b gene (Stat5b-CA) under control of CD11c promoter. All NOD.CD11cStat5b−CA mice were protected against diabetes. Protection was associated with an increased in the pool and suppressive function of Tregs, a promotion of Th2 and Tc2 immune response and a decreased percentage of CD8+ T cells. Splenic DCs of NOD.CD11cStat5b−CA mice acquired a mature phenotype, promoted and induced better conversion of CD4+CD25-Foxp3- T cells into Tregs (CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells) than DCs of NOD mice. Stat5b-CA.DC-educated CD4+CD25− T cells delayed diabetes onset whereas Stat5b-CA.DC-educated Tregs blocked ongoing diabetes in 8–10 weeks old NOD recipient mice. Importantly, injection of Stat5b.CA.DC to 8–10-week old NOD mice halted diabetes progression and educated their splenocytes to loose their diabetogenic potential when transferred to NOD.SCID mice. Our work is the first to report that an active form of Stat5b restored DCs tolerogenic functions that re-educated Tregs to re-establish and to sustain long-term protective immune response against diabetes in NOD mice.

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