
Introduction A TWO-DIMENSIONAL panel with two opposite free edges in the longitudinal direction and support along the other pair of edges can be replaced by an equivalent one-dimensionalmodel, namely, a one-way panel element. Obviously, the advantage of this equivalent element is that it involves only one independentvariable (the longitudinal coordinate). However, for a composite laminate, compliancewith the boundaryconditionsin the transversedirection is questionable. For composite laminated one-way panels, the two well-known versionsof the constitutivemodel, plane-strainand plane-stress(for large and small width-to-length ratios, respectively), which are almost the same for the isotropic case, are used only as upper and lower bounds. Because of the signiŽ cant gap between them, more accurate models are called for. Whitney’s1 cylindrical bending theory (cylW) made some improvement over the plane-strain version by narrowing the aforementionedgap. Further improvementwith regard to the plane-stress version (cylN) is proposed hereafter.

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