
Constitutionalisation expanded and intensified, especially after the expansion of the European Union, consecrating itself on the foundation of state sovereignty. The idea must be perceived as integrating fundamental rights and freedoms and the guarantee or security each state can provide its citizens. Although an old phenomenon, the constitutionalisation of law imposed itself on the political market after the 20th century through the awareness that a clear and solid constitution could establish a democratic framework for developing the rule of law. Constitutionalisation occurs in all legal systems based on a fundamental law that enjoys supremacy. However, constitutionalisation takes on its features from state to state, considering each one’s particularities. In a narrow sense, the constitutionalisation of law is the action by which a legal norm is given constitutional status, or a legal institution is consecrated by a constitutional norm.(G. Cornu, 2003). This research is a concise summary of the phenomenon of constitutionalisation and its effect on the civil service. As can be seen, the civil service is consistently a product of the constitution, being regulated by various fundamental texts.

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