
The article is an analytical study of the changes that have occurred as a result of the reform of the federal land of the Russian Federation. The authors consider the modern constitutional reform as a comprehensive systemic modernization of not only public administration bodies but also the social development of the country as a whole. The problem lies in the methodology of historical and legal discourse. Within the framework of the stated topic, the historical dynamics of constitutional changes and assessments of the institution of local self-government in Russia is analyzed. The authors historically consistently characterize the development of theoretical views on the problems of the institution under study, the features of the implementation of local self-government and its interaction with state bodies at different stages of historical development. The article analyzes the positions of Soviet constitutionalism in the field of public administration, and also attempts to assess the current state and modernization trends in connection with the latest amendments to the Russian Constitution. The analysis showed that the formed modern system of local self-government is the result of a long historical development of Russian society, which reflects the socio-cultural, political and economic features of both local territories and the state as a whole. The constitutional consolidation of the concept of “single system of public administration” is based on the key idea that building a unified system of public authority in Russian conditions can be progressively developed and be successfully implemented only within the framework of establishing a new balance of delineation of powers between all levels of government and their interaction on the basis of constructive dialogue. The authors come to the conclusion that an objective and systematic assessment of the change in the status of local governments in the updated structure of public authority can be fully implemented only after the completion of the process of reviewing federal and regional legislation based on the content of the norms of the updated Constitution, and their further application in practice.

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