
The article is devoted to the study of constitutional metamorphoses in the context of global transformations, in particular the analysis of the procedures for introducing changes to the basic law in different countries of the world. Modifications in modern geopolitical, economic and socio-cultural conditions caused the need to revise and adapt constitutional norms in order to bring the latter to the requirements of modern challenges and realities.
 Thescientific article examinesvarious approaches to the legal mechanism of amending constitutions in countries with various legal traditions and political systems. The author conducts a comparative analysis of such procedures, paying attention to legislative initiatives, the role of parliament, the participation of civil society and other aspects.
 It has been shown that the key aspects of the modification of constitutions are the following issues: a) legitimacy of foundations and subjects that initiate the process of constitutional reform and have the authority to make changes to the constitution; b) the content of constitutional changes and the threshold at which amendments to the constitution introduce transformations into its principles and essence; c) characteristics of legal mechanisms and procedures (models) for amending constitutions, which, on the one hand, guarantee the legitimacy of updated constitutions, and on the other hand, serve as a legal barrier against "constitutional extremism”, that is, unfounded and dangerous for the individual, society and states by constitutional transformations.
 It is emphasized that in the context of constitutional metamorphoses, the following forms of transformation of constitutions should be distinguished: a) amendments to basic laws; b) introduction of amendments to the constitutions; c) change of constitutions.
 It has been established that constitutional metamorphoses in the context of global transformations indicate radical changes and transformations in the constitutional system of various countries or even at the world level, in particular: globalization of constitutional norms; expansion of the catalog of rights and freedoms; changes in the system of the power mechanism; ecological constitutional protection; constitutional innovation; global constitutional standards.

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