
There is tolerance merger of Unity in Diversity versus solidarity merger of Togetherness in Diversity as poles of spanning the natural and engineering efforts are not natural to make or maintain existing fused together. Shown by the spirit of Indonesia’s 1945 Constitution versus Papua’s 1999 Constitution.


  • What is here become, the fundamental view is, the presence of Papuans as integrated element within the State and the Nation of Indonesia apparently still implies various disagree (Note 1), the effort to uncover, was always seen as opposition or challenger and even as an attempt to act of unlawful alias in the formulation of the term hssr.ideasspread.orgHumanities and Social Science ResearchVol 2, No 2; 2019'makar' or ‘haatzaiartikelen’(sowing hatred articles), which is a Dutch colonial understand that not to be hated even stroked as a weapon of frightening.Theory to be used in this study is Hidden Structure and Structuralism converged with other supporting theories, bringing the compromise and action to managed conflict discovered here between natures of diversity in togetherness versus natures of diversity in unity

  • The leading is a response to the instability of government in Papua, which was introduced by an ever-widening gap between legal certainty and achievement granted by principal of national unity in tolerance (Indonesia) versus national diversity in solidarity (Melanesian-Papua)

  • Soekarno bearing background and is well understood by Islam (in this case the people and the ulama son not doubt of ideas, ideology of Indonesia in this regard Pancasila as the State Fundamental, the UUD 1945 (Constitution) as the embodiment, still a drift in the link, though at a later date, before the fall, there are a variety of intrigue others their success once molt position of this figure, saying only "group with communism (PKI)" very successful set direction step on this figure by bringing forth what is known as the "NASAKOM" stands for the Nationalists, Religion and the Communism, during the Old Order serves as a way of integrating different factions in the Indonesian political direction

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The fundamental matter which will uttered here is that, have been happened various adjustment as according to political growth that happened since end of year 1999, and early year 2000 and the growth till the Performing of Papua Extra Ordinary Deliberation (MUBES) 2000 dated 23 to 26 February 2000. That by the successfully announcing of the Returning of the Name of Nation of Papua from the previous term that is Irian (Barat/Jaya) which is fully ugly connotation and which have hostility implication by the fourth President of the State of Republic of Indonesia, Kiyai Haji Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), since the date of 1 January 2000 the news have had an effect on to give understanding pattern of the importance of resettlement and change in all life scale for example abstracting War Sections of Triple Command of People (TRIKORA) 1961 because going into effect for the vanish West Irian and or Irian Jaya but non for Papua. This consideration besides inline with the announcement of the President mentioned above, utilize to accommodate to return to Political Manifesto production results of Papua National Committee 19 October 1961.

Flows of Mandate
Different in the Unity
Symbol of Garuda
National Flag of the State of Republic of Indonesia “DWI WARNA”
The Process towards the Constitution Draft
2). Introduction to the First Outcome
Specific agenda
Review on the State Attributes
National Anthem of West Papua the “Hai Tanah-ku Papua”
Coat of arms of West Papua ’The Mambruk’
Correlation of both Constitutions
Referral Reflexive
Bounders and the Form of State
About the National Flag
George Junus Aditjondro on Factual and Contextual
King in Morning Star Rising?
5.3.10 Sinar Harapan
Politiecs Negotiation
End Remark
Full Text
Paper version not known

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