
We suggest a quantum stabilization method for theSU(2)σ-model, based on the constant-cutoff limit of the cutoff quantization method developed by Balakrishnaet al., which avoids the difficulties with the usual soliton boundary conditions pointed out by Iwasaki and Ohyama. We investigate the baryon numberB = 1 sector of the model and show that after the collective coordinate quantization it admits a stable soliton solution which depends on a single dimensional arbitrary constant. We then show that the approach toSU(3)-symmetry breaking for strange dibaryon states proposed by Kopeliovichet al. can be simplified by omitting the Skyrme stabilizing term and using the constant-cutoff stabilization method. We derive the results for spectra of some strange and nonstrange dibaryon states and obtain the numerical results for the absolute masses of these states, in reasonable agreement with the values obtained, using the complete Skyrme model, by Kopeliovichet al.

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