
Cryphonectria cubensis and Endothia eugeniae are fungal pathogens of Eucalyptus and clove that were reduced to synonymy on the basis of results of crossinoculation studies, isozyme analysis, cultural studies, and morphology. A previous phylogenetic study on Cryphonectria, based on sequence variation in the ITS region of the ribosomal RNA operon, also supported the conspecificity of C. cubensis and E. eugeniae, but was based on only one E. eugeniae isolate. New collections from clove in Brazil and Indonesia have become available, providing the opportunity to reconsider the conspecificity of C. cubensis and E. eugeniae. The occurrence of C. cubensis on clove was confirmed based on morphological comparisons and phylogenetic analyses of ribosomal DNA and β-tubulin gene sequence data. In addition to C. cubensis, other fungi morphologically similar to Cryphonectria species on the basis of their orange stromata were present on some clove specimens, but no isolates were available for these fungi. Furthermore, some isolates, for which no herbarium material exists, grouped separately from the C. cubensis clade and closer to the Cryphonectria clade. The presence of more than one closely related fungus on clove raises questions relating to the legitimacy of the synonymy of E. eugeniae and C. cubensis. Based on the presence of C. cubensis on the type specimen of E. eugeniae, we recognize the synonymy of the two fungi but provide evidence that other fungi, more closely related to Cryphonectria spp. than to C. cubensis, are present on clove.

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