
The present study investigates the heterogeneity of the population of young adult drinkers with respect to alcohol consumption and Positive Alcohol Expectancies (PAEs). Based on the positive relationship between both kinds of variables, PAE is commonly viewed as a potential motivational factor of alcoholic addiction. Empirical analyses based on the regression of alcohol consumption on PAEs suppose that the observations are statistically homogeneous with respect to the level of alcohol consumption, however. We explored the existence of moderate drinkers with a high PAE profile, and abusive drinkers with a low PAE profile. 1,017 young adult drinkers, mean age=23 +/- 2.84, with various educational levels, comprising 506 males and 511 females, were recruited as voluntary participants in a survey by undergraduate psychology students from the University of Toulouse Le Mirail. They completed a French version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identifiction Test (AUDIT) and a French adaptation of the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire (AEQ). Three levels of alcohol consumption were defined using the AUDIT score, and six composite scores were obtained by averaging the relevant item-scores from the AEQ. The AEQ scores were interpreted as measurement of six kinds of PAEs, namely Global positive change, Sexual enhancement, Social and physical pleasure, Social assertiveness, Relaxation, and Arousal/Power. The TwoStep cluster methodology was used to explore the data. This methodology is convenient to deal with a mix of quantitative and qualitative variables, and it provides a classification model which is optimized through the use of an information criterion as Schwarz's Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). The automatic clustering suggested five clusters, whose stability was ascertained until 75% of the sample size. Low drinkers (n=527) were split into one cluster of low PAEs (I1) and, interestingly, one cluster of high PAEs (I3, 46%). High drinkers (n=344) were split into one cluster of intermediate PAEs (II4) and one cluster of high PAEs (II5, 52%). Interestingly again, abusive drinkers (n=146) remained a single group (III2), exhibiting high PAEs. Clusters I3 and III3 comprised a significant proportion of males. Constraining the algorithm to find 6 clusters did not affect class III2, but split low drinkers into three clusters. Although the present results should be considered cautiously because of the novelty of TwoStep cluster methodology, they suggest a group of moderate drinkers with high PAEs. Also, abusive drinkers express high PAEs (except for 2 cases). Statistical homogeneity of moderate drinkers with respect to PAE variables appears as a dubious assumption.

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