
In this work the weed vegetation of cereals is described on the basis of 204 coenological records in Croatian Baranja. The association Consolido regalis-Polygonetum arenastri Kojić et al. 1973 corr. Mate 2008 is described in wheat and barley cultures on mostly neutral, moderately basic and carbonate soils, on the basis of summer and spring aspect. The association belongs to the alliance Caucalion lappulae (R. Tx. 1950) von Rochow 1951, to the order Papaveretalia rhoeadis Hüppe and Hofmeister 1990 and to the class Stellarietea mediae R. Tx., Lohm. and Prsg. in R. Tx 950. The rarest as well as the most common weed species are specified. The spectra of life forms and the participation of floral elements and the phytosociological characters of species are presented.

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