
English Abstract: The article presents the requirements imposed by Directive 93/104/CE and Directive 2003/88, in the way they were interpreted by the Court of Justice of European Union regarding the organisation of working time for doctors, especially in the case of doctors in emergency medical units and of the doctors in training and analyses from that perspective the Romanian legislation, especially the regulation of on call duty and of the doctors training program, pinpointing some possible consequences contradicting the European provisions that limit the weekly working time. Romanian Abstract: Articolul prezinta exigenţele impuse de Directiva 93/104/CE si Directiva 2003/88, astfel cum au fost interpretate de Curtea de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene, in legatura cu organizarea timpului de lucru in cazul medicilor, in special a medicilor din unitaţile medicale de urgenţa si a medicilor rezidenţi si analizeaza din aceasta perspectiva legislaţia naţionala, in special normele care reglementeaza efectuarea garzilor si a rezidenţiatului, atragând atenţia asupra unor posibile consecinţe contrare prevederilor europene care limiteaza timpul de lucru saptamânal

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