
AbstractThe syntaxa identified in the Retezat National Park were reported to the habitat types established for Romania according to the Natura 2000 habitat interpretation manual. Of the 16 habitat types in which we included the syntaxa, only five (4070*, 6230*, 7210*, 9180*, 91E0*) are considered as priority habitats. The syntaxa belonging to these priority habitats are also present in the park’s scientific reserve, where plant communities are strictly protected. The other 11 habitat types are discontinuously distributed in the park, without benefiting of strict protection. In order to stop the zoo-anthropic impact on some subalpine grassland habitats (6150, 6170 and 6430) with high biodiversity and scientifically important for the South-Eastern Carpathians, the establishment of two botanical reserves in the Calcareous Retezat area of SW Retezat is proposed to the park administration. This action will ensure good protection for all vulnerable species and communities of basophilic and acidophilic plants of the Retezat National Park.

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