
The Yanbu Industrial City, located in the western province of Saudi Arabia, will start its first phase construction of Power/Desal and petro-chemical plants and community in late 1980. This industrial complex, situated on the east bank of the Red Sea does not have any natural fresh water resources to satisfy the project's water requirements. In order to meet the initial water demand, a 380 m 3/hr desalination plant has been specified and scheduled for commercial operation in early 1981. Subsequent units will follow to satisfy the ultimate requirement estimated to be as much as 4,380 m 3/hr. This article describes some technical and economical considerations in the equipment specification and site selection for the initial 380 m 3/hr desalination unit. The basic requirements for site selection are the availability of seawater, steam, power and chemicals and capability of storing fresh water. Considering these factors, several alternatives to locate the desalination plant including barge mounted, land based and barge mounted first with relocating on land later are studied and discussed. Results of fresh water costs from present worth analysis form the basis for the final selection of the site. In the equipment specification, basic considerations in defining several design parameters including performance ratio, material selection and scale prevention are discussed in detail. The article deals mainly with this 380 m 3/hr desalination plant at Yanbu site. However, the general concept and approach can well be applicable to other desalination plants constructed in the future.

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