
The recent ongoing outbreak of severe pneumonia associated with a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), currently of unknown origin, creates a world emergency that has put global public health institutions on high alert. At present there is limited clinical information of the SARS-CoV-2 and there is no specific treatment recommended, although technical guidances and suggestions have been developed and will continue to be updated as additional information becomes available. Preventive treatment has an important role to control and avoid the spread of severe respiratory disease, but often is difficult to obtain and sometimes cannot be effective to reduce the risk of deterioration of the underlining lung pathology. In order to define an effective and safe treatment for SARS-CoV-2-associated disease, we provide considerations on the actual treatments, on how to avoid complications and the undesirable side effects related to them and to select and apply earlier the most appropriate treatment. Approaching to treat severe respiratory disease in infants and children, the risks related to the development of atelectasis starting invasive or non-invasive ventilation support and the risk of oxygen toxicity must be taken into serious consideration. For an appropriate and effective approach to treat severe pediatric respiratory diseases, two main different strategies can be proposed according to the stage and severity of the patient conditions: patient in the initial phase and with non-severe lung pathology and patient with severe initial respiratory impairment and/or with delay in arrival to observation. The final outcome is strictly connected with the ability to apply an appropriate treatment early and to reduce all the complications that can arise during the intensive care admission.

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