
Romanian Abstract: Reglementarea nationala romanesca privind stimularea financiara a personalului care gestioneaza fonduri comunitare a stabilit un sistem de salarizare motivant, prin acordarea unei majorari, intre 50% si 100%, a salariilor de baza prevazute de lege, corespunzatoare funcţiilor in care este incadrat personalul de specialitate care lucreaza cu fonduri europene. Din analiza actelor normative abordate rezulta ca au fost incalcate unele dintre principiile care guverneaza regimul constituţional al ordonanţelor si hotarârilor Guvernului, in general, dar si al ordonanţelor de urgenţa, in mod special. In acest fel, atât ordonanţa de urgenţa, cât si hotarârile analizate sunt un exemplu de incalcare, pe de o parte, a modului in care regimul constituţional al ordonanţelor si hotarârilor Guvernului, iar pe de alta parte, a exigenţelor care trebuie respectate in elaborarea actelor normative, aspecte asupra carora ne propunem sa ne oprim in viitor, referindu-ne si la alte acte normative care prezinta carenţe asemanatoare. English Abstract: An attractive wage policy for the civil servants that are working with Community funds ensures a quick and effective project implementation, thus avoiding important losses in non-returnable funds, stability in personnel fluctuation, limiting possible acts of corruption, professionalizing this category of civil servants and, implicitly, the development and modernization of the administration. Law no. 490/2004 was modified with the aim of downsizing the budgetary constraint by reducing the granting of additional increments for the current year or by reviewing the structures that benefit from wage increases by setting clear conditions for granting, so as to ensure an increase in the degree of their implication. Moreover, the identified measures to reduce personnel expenditures in the budgetary sector have targeted the review and the stability of the ministries and institutions who’s activities include communitary financial management assistance, the number and structure of the positions, the criteria of employment of staff on specific functions and the percentage to be given to staff in view of their results in accordance with the job description. Also, it was suggested that the personnel evaluation to be made at least once a year, after which the percentage of wage increase can be modified according to individual activity.

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