
There has been lively debate in recent years following the publication of various retrospective case series and small cohort studies that suggest certain women presenting with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage IB1 cervical cancer (pre-2018 revised classification) may be treated by non-radical surgery, either simple hysterectomy or cone biopsy, where fertility preservation is required. A strictly defined histological criterion is necessary for selecting such cases, incorporating tumour dimensions including estimated tumour volume, lympho-vascular space invasion and pelvic lymph node status. Meta-analyses of these studies show that the oncological outcomes are comparable to the excellent results achieved by radical hysterectomy and radical trachelectomy. In addition, the fertility and pregnancy outcomes for cases treated by conisation are superior to cases managed by radical trachelectomy. Multi-centre, ethically approved, prospective studies are currently on-going, which will provide better quality evidence in an attempt to contribute to this debate, with the intention of improving outcomes, including quality of life, in women presenting with small-volume stage IB1 cervical cancer.

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