
INTRODUCTIONEsophageal perforation in the setting of blunt trauma is rare, and diagnosis can be difficult due to atypical signs and symptoms accompanied by distracting injury. PRESENTATION OF CASEWe present a case of esophageal perforation resulting from a fall from height. Unexplained air in the soft tissues planes posterior to the esophagus as well as subcutaneous emphysema in the absence of a pneumothorax on CT aroused clinical suspicions of an injury to the aerodigestive tract. The patient suffered multiple injuries including bilateral first rib fractures, C6 lamina fractures, C4–C6 spinous process fractures, a C7 right transverse process fracture with associated ligamentous injury and cord contusion, multiple comminuted nasal bone fractures, and a right verterbral artery dissection. Esophageal injury was localized using a gastrograffin esophagram to the cervical esophagus and was most likely secondary to cervical spine fractures. Because there were no clinical signs of sepsis and the esophagram demonstrated a contained rupture, the patient was thought to be a good candidate for a trial of conservative management consisting of broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics, oral care with chlorhexadine gluconate, NPO, and total parenteral nutrition. No cervical spine fixation or procedure was performed during this trial of conservative management. The patient was received another gastrograffin esophagram on hospital day 14 and demonstrated no evidence of contrast extravasation. DISCUSSIONEarly diagnosis and control of the infectious source are the cornerstones to successful management of esophageal perforation from all etiologies. Traditionally, esophageal perforation relied on a high index of clinical suspicion for early diagnosis, but the use of CT scan for has proved to be highly effective in diagnosing esophageal perforation especially in patients with atypical presentations. While aggressive surgical infection control is paramount in the majority of esophageal perforations, a select subset of patients can be successfully managed non-operatively. CONCLUSIONIn the setting of blunt trauma, esophageal perforation is rare and is associated with a high morbidity. In select patients who do not show any clinical signs of sepsis, contained perforations can heal with non-operative management consisting of broad spectrum antibiotics, strict oral hygiene, NPO, and total parenteral nutrition.

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