
Fish present a wide variety of sex determination systems ranging from strict genetic control (genetic sex determination, GSD) to strict environmental control (environmental sex determination, ESD). Temperature is the most frequent environmental factor influencing sex determination. Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is characterized by GSD with male heterogamety (XY/XX), which can be overridden by exposure to high masculinizing temperatures. Sex reversed Nile tilapia (XX males; neomales) have been described in the wild and seem undistinguishable from XY males, but little is known about their physiology. The consideration of climate change urges the need to understand the possible physiological and behavioral consequences of such a sex reversal. The present study compared XX females, XY males and XX neomales for testis maturation, circulating sex -steroid concentrations as well as the size and number of neurons expressing arginine-vasotocin [AVT] and gonadotropin releasing hormone [GnRH] which are involved in sociosexual pathways. The results revealed that temperature-induced sex reversal does not affect testis maturation nor circulating sex steroid concentrations. Neomales show dramatically fewer GnRH1-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons than males and females, despite the observed normal testis physiology. Neomales also present fewer AVT-ir neurons in the magnocellular preoptic area than females and bigger AVT-ir neurons in the parvocellular POA (pPOA) compared to both males and females. The absence of consequences of sex reversal on testis development and secretions despite the reduced numbers of GnRH1 neurons suggests the existence of compensatory mechanisms in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, while the larger pPOA AVT neurons might predict a more submissive behavior in neomales.

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