
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is a persistent environmental contaminant that induces the progression of steatosis to steatohepatitis with fibrosis in mice. Furthermore, TCDD reprograms hepatic metabolism by redirecting glycolytic intermediates while inhibiting lipid metabolism. Here, we examined the effect of TCDD on hepatic acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) and β-hydroxybutyrate levels as well as protein acetylation and β-hydroxybutyrylation. Acetyl-CoA is not only a central metabolite in multiple anabolic and catabolic pathways, but also a substrate used for posttranslational modification of proteins and a surrogate indicator of cellular energy status. Targeted metabolomic analysis revealed a dose-dependent decrease in hepatic acetyl-CoA levels coincident with the phosphorylation of pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1), and the induction of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 and pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase, while repressing ATP citrate lyase and short-chain acyl-CoA synthetase gene expression. In addition, TCDD dose-dependently reduced the levels of hepatic β-hydroxybutyrate and repressed ketone body biosynthesis gene expression. Moreover, levels of total hepatic protein acetylation and β-hydroxybutyrylation were reduced. AMPK phosphorylation was induced consistent with acetyl-CoA serving as a cellular energy status surrogate, yet subsequent targets associated with re-establishing energy homeostasis were not activated. Collectively, TCDD reduced hepatic acetyl-CoA and β-hydroxybutyrate levels eliciting starvation-like conditions despite normal levels of food intake.

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