
Abstract. There is a growing body of results in the theory of discrete point sets and tiling systems giving conditions under which such systems are pure point diffractive. Here we look at the opposite direction: what can we infer about a discrete point set or tiling, defined through a primitive substitution system, given that it is pure point diffractive? Our basic objects are Delone multisets and tilings, which are self-replicating under a primitive substitution system of affine mappings with a common expansive map Q . Our first result gives a partial answer to a question of Lagarias and Wang: we characterize repetitive substitution Delone multisets that can be represented by substitution tilings using a concept of ``legal cluster.'' This allows us to move freely between both types of objects. Our main result is that for lattice substitution multiset systems (in arbitrary dimensions), being a regular model set is not only sufficient for having pure point spectrum—a known fact—but is also necessary. This completes a circle of equivalences relating pure point dynamical and diffraction spectra, modular coincidence, and model sets for lattice substitution systems begun by the first two authors of this paper.

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