
Shirk (polytheism) literally means the combination of two properties and two shares. Practical polytheism means associating (a) partner(s) with God along side Him, and it is overt (Jali) and covert (Khafi) polytheism. Covert polytheism appears in the stage of worship and obedience to God such as Obedience to the mundane wish and desires (Havaye Nafs), obedience to the devil, following the tyrants; Worldliness, selfishness, pursuit of certain habits and tendencies common among some believers for example, friendship with the deniers of God, Prophets or infallible Imams (as); Humility and submission to non-God; Being a slave and captive of others ( being controlled by others ) ; Honoring the rich and the oppressors; Also hypocrisy and Sum’ah... . The present study entitled "Consequences of practical polytheism in human fall" with the aim of enlightenment in this field; in order to protect faith from the influence of superstitions and false heresies, has been carried out in narrative and descriptive methods. It is a library research which made references to the Holy Book of the Qur'an, Nahj al-Balaghah, some commentary books of Quran, theological, moral, and lexical books. Practical polytheism has consequences such as actions being void (Habt ‘Amal); reduction of sustenance; anxiety and distress; shortening life in this world and the hereafter; going far from the mercy of God; the wrath of God in this world and the hereafter; wandering; lack of cheerfulness in worship, regret and so on.

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