
Abstract Conventionally, the focus of childbirth-related policies of the Government of India and other non-governmental organisations had been to mitigate teenage pregnancies and child marriage since being of tender age, they are most susceptible to mishaps. This problem has been adequately addressed at present and efforts are on-going in this direction. However, India’s blue-collared corporate workforce is rapidly growing in the age of information technology. Stressed working environment with long work hours for the pressure of completing deadlines, millions of young Indian millennial professionals are heading towards a life full of ailments and health issues and concerns The social, mental and health issues of the Indian millennial have been ignored or rather overseen by the Government, as well as Social Organisations mainly because of them being relatively better in the economic front. The focus of the present article is on late marriage, geriatric pregnancy and related health issues of the Indian millennial and its relevant impact on procreation complication.

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