
The evaluation of ligand conformations is a crucial aspect of structure-based virtual screening, and scoring functions play significant roles in it. While consensus scoring (CS) generally improves enrichment by compensating for the deficiencies of each scoring function, the strategy of how individual scoring functions are selected remains a challenging task when few known active compounds are available. To address this problem, we propose feature selection-based consensus scoring (FSCS), which performs supervised feature selection with docked native ligand conformations to select complementary scoring functions. We evaluated the enrichments of five scoring functions (F-Score, D-Score, PMF, G-Score, and ChemScore), FSCS, and RCS (rank-by-rank consensus scoring) for four different target proteins: acetylcholine esterase (AChE), thrombin (thrombin), phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5), and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma). The results indicated that FSCS was able to select the complementary scoring functions and enhance ligand enrichments and that it outperformed RCS and the individual scoring functions for all target proteins. They also indicated that the performances of the single scoring functions were strongly dependent on the target protein. An especially favorable result with implications for practical drug screening is that FSCS performs well even if only one 3D structure of the protein-ligand complex is known. Moreover, we found that one can infer which scoring functions significantly enrich active compounds by using feature selection before actual docking and that the selected scoring functions are complementary.

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