
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) dysfunction of neurobiological origin manifested by immaturity in the systems that regulate the level of movement, impulsivity and attention in children and adolescents who suffer it. The study is framed under the non-experimental design of Field, descriptive level, using live sources taking the information in a single moment of time, the present, contemporary transectional design allowing the application of the Conners test in healthy schoolchildren in the Private Educational Unit "San Jose Maristas”. July – August 2022. Maracay – Aragua. To detect traits suggestive of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in this group of schoolchildren applied by parents and teachers. Obtaining as a result that the most prevalent sex is male in more than 70% of schoolchildren. There is no difference between the score established by both parents and teachers to establish the orientation of suspected cases of children with ADHD, observing differences in the clinical manifestations observed by parents, greater emphasis on inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness, in relation to teachers where they register behaviors related to greater frustration, impulsive, fighting, do not respect the rules and defy limits.

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