
In a straight-line embedded triangulation of a point set P in the plane, removing an inner edge and—provided the resulting quadrilateral is convex—adding the other diagonal is called an edge flip. The (edge) flip graph has all triangulations as vertices, and a pair of triangulations is adjacent if they can be obtained from each other by an edge flip. The goal of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the flip graph, with an emphasis on its connectivity. For sets in general position, it is known that every triangulation allows at least edge flips (a tight bound) which gives the minimum degree of any flip graph for n points. We show that for every point set P in general position, the flip graph is at least -vertex connected. Somewhat more strongly, we show that the vertex connectivity equals the minimum degree occurring in the flip graph, i.e. the minimum number of flippable edges in any triangulation of P, provided P is large enough. Finally, we exhibit some of the geometry of the flip graph by showing that the flip graph can be covered by 1-skeletons of polytopes of dimension (products of associahedra). A corresponding result ((n – 3)-vertex connectedness) can be shown for the bistellar flip graph of partial triangulations, i.e. the set of all triangulations of subsets of P which contain all extreme points of P. This will be treated separately in a second part.

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