
We introduce a new family of connectivity-based garbage collectors ( Cbgc ) that are based on potential object-connectivity properties. The key feature of these collectors is that the placement of objects into partitions is determined by performing one of several forms of connectivity analyses on the program. This enables partial garbage collections, as in generational collectors, but without the need for any write barrier.The contributions of this paper are 1) a novel family of garbage collection algorithms based on object connectivity; 2) a detailed description of an instance of this family; and 3) an empirical evaluation of Cbgc using simulations. Simulations help explore a broad range of possibilities for Cbgc , ranging from simplistic ones that determine connectivity based on type information to oracular ones that use run-time information to determine connectivity. Our experiments with the oracular Cbgc configurations give an indication of the potential for Cbgc and also identify weaknesses in the realistic configurations. We found that even the simplistic implementations beat state-of-the-art generational collectors with respect to some metrics (pause times and memory footprint).

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