
The Purpose of the Study is the analysis of spiritual symbols in the works of Slovak postmodernists - D. Dušek, D. Mitana, P. Vilikovsky and M. Vadas, as well as the verification of the principles of connectivism within the framework of literary studies. The Research Methodology is based on hermeneutic and deconstruction methods, as well as on the connectivist approach, which allow the interpretation of deconstructed motifs at the level of connecting individual elements into a secondary semantic network. The Scientific Novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time in Slovak literary studies, connectivism was used for the study of postmodern literature. It is concluded that a complete denial or confirmation of religiosity as such can be achieved, for example, by combining religious meanings from different novels. The Conclusions. The analysis of religious symbols with the principles of connectivism shows how the authors reveal the strong desire of humanity to have a stable core, which is absent in modern society. Therefore, considering how much evil has been committed in the world, the writers choose a version that describes the reign of Lucifer himself. Slovak postmodern literature works FeliksSHTEINBUK, Vanessa STRAPAC MASSAYOVA6 Innovations in the scientific, technical and social ecosystems. Issue 4. 2022hard to create its own models of reality, in which authors allow their stories to arbitrarily organize and create connections between the material and transcendental realms, thus providing a unique perspective on the complex system of reality

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