
This book deals with a Marchi study of the corticifugal and corticipetal connections of the monkey's cerebral cortex, excluding the lateral frontal region (which was covered by Krieg in the Journal of Comparative Neurology in 1949). Krieg has developed his own idiom for expressing his results and this includes delineation in a kind of perspective drawing which is extremely laborious to prepare. Brain Books is a personal enterprise of the author who has, in the past not only done the research on which his publications are based (and drawn the illustrations for them) but has done the typesetting and presswork. Krieg does not say that this is the case in the present instance but the format and tail pieces do suggest that he may have done the original printing. (Apparently the book was photo-offset from master originals). In the nearly two decades that Krieg has devoted to the researches which

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