
The present paper resumes the theme taken up by Bonnevie in her studies of the embryonic development of dermatoglyphic systems. Relicts of the embryonic finger balls remain in later life (Fleischhacker) and influence the symmetry relationships of the terminal phalanges. Attention was, therefore, focussed on the connection between the asymmetry of terminal phalanges and that of the patterns. All loops and whorls with a different ridge count on the radial and on the ulnar side are asymmetrical. In order to determine the asymmetry of the terminal phalanges, casts were made of the fingers of 200 schoolchildren. Then, contour drawings were laid into various planes using the phalangograph (constructed on the same lines as the perigraph), and the plane of intersection of the two sides of the symmetry axis was determined planimetrically. A high correlation of r = 0·954 was established between the degree of asymmetry of the patterns and that of the terminal phalanges (cf. Figure 3).

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