
Only a handful of brands are providing their customers with highly personalised digital experiences. From their website, to email and mobile messaging, they've put the customer's interests at the forefront of their digital strategy. They've changed the fundamentals of their digital communications with their customers by creating an environment of Connected Commerce. The results have been exceptional customer loyalty, sales growth and profits that outpace those of their peers. The vast majority of companies are, however, still playing catch-up. Many have ‘customer-centricity’ somewhere in their vision statements, but they've not yet made the necessary commitments to bring customer relevance to the face of their digital brands. Their results reflect this in dwindling loyalty, sales and profits. The good news for these companies is that it's not too late to make the shift and push to the front of their industries. This paper explores what it takes to move from internally driven promotions to customer-centric interactions. This shift requires taking advantage of technology advancements and process improvements, but also a new mindset about one's marketing approach.

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