
We present a surprisingly new connection between two well-studied combinatorial classes: rooted connected chord diagrams on one hand, and rooted bridgeless combinatorial maps on the other hand. We describe a bijection between these two classes, which naturally extends to indecomposable diagrams and general rooted maps. As an application, this bijection provides a simplifying framework for some technical quantum field theory work realized by some of the authors. Most notably, an important but technical parameter naturally translates to vertices at the level of maps. We also give a combinatorial proof to a formula which previously resulted from a technical recurrence, and with similar ideas we prove a conjecture of Hihn. Independently, we revisit an equation due to Arquès and Béraud for the generating function counting rooted maps with respect to edges and vertices, giving a new bijective interpretation of this equation directly on indecomposable chord diagrams, which moreover can be specialized to connected diagrams and refined to incorporate the number of crossings. Finally, we explain how these results have a simple application to the combinatorics of lambda calculus, verifying the conjecture that a certain natural family of lambda terms is equinumerous with bridgeless maps.


  • The electronic journal of combinatorics 26(4) (2019), #P4.37 structures [12], and bioinformatics [16]

  • Isomorphism classes of chord diagrams of size n can be presented as fixed point-free involutions on the set 2n, we find the definition as a perfect matching more convenient to work with

  • It is tempting to draw the list of correspondences between families of lambda terms and families of rooted maps pictured in Table 5, where on the right we have indicated the index for the relevant OEIS entry counting objects by size

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Before outlining the contributions of the paper more precisely, we begin by recalling here the formal definitions of (rooted) chord diagrams and (rooted) combinatorial maps, together with some auxiliary notions and notation. The reader already familiar with these notions may jump straight to Sections 1.2 and 1.3 to find a detailed presentation of our results

Chord diagrams
Combinatorial maps
Enumerative and bijective links between maps and diagrams
Structure of the document
Equality of the cardinality sequences
Between connected diagrams and bridgeless maps
Between indecomposable diagrams and maps
Basic operations
Operations on chord diagrams
The Bridge First Labeling of a map
Operations on maps
Description of the main bijections
Extension of θ and equality between bijections
New perspectives on chord diagram expansions in QFT
Context: chord diagram expansions of Dyson-Schwinger equations
Diagram parameters and binary trees
Changing the ordering of the chords
Restating the quantum field theory formulas in terms of maps
A new combinatorial interpretation of a quantum field theoretic formula
New interpretation of the Arques-Beraud functional equation
Combinatorial interpretation
An application to lambda calculus
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