
Since the orginal report of Parinaud, thirty years ago, on the type of conjunctivitis that has since borne his name, many cases have been recorded in the literature with this diagnosis. Some of them were of the same character as those reported in the original article, while others bore no clinical resemblance to this disease. Subsequent investigation has developed the fact that monocular infections of the conjunctiva, with glandular involvement, may be due to more than one cause. Verhoeff, 1 both in his early and in his late reports, is convinced that the type more nearly representing the original Parinaud type is due to leptothrix. Other writers have found the human, bovine and pseudotubercle bacilli. Vail 2 reported what is believed to be the first case of ocular infection with squirrel plague, or with Bacterium tularense . Recently, Patton and Gifford 3 reported a type of monocular disease that they called

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