
 a) Objective: To prevent morbidities, mortalities and increase weight gain and growth of kids by administering oral probiotic conjugate (PC).
 b) Design/Methodology/Approach: A randomized design comparing treatments (supplemented dose), percentage of morbidity and percentage of mortality. Goats were administered weekly from birth to 56 days of age. PC of Bifidobacterium bifidum essensis, Lactococcus lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus were dosed weekly. Treatments, TC: Control, T2: 2.0 mL PC/kg body weight (BW). T3: 3 mL PC/Kg BW. T4: 4 mL PC/Kg BW.
 c) Results: Diarrhea was present in: TC = 16%, T2 = 1%, T3 and T4 = 0% (TC vs. T2, T3, T4, P <0.05). Mortality percentages: TC = 17%, T2, T3 and T4 = 0% (TC vs. T2, T3, T4, P <0.05). T2 and T3 had an increase (P <0.05) of 1.9 kg weight gain (WG) vs. TC. T3 was the best treatment at 56d (P <0.05).
 d) Study Limitations/Implications: The doses used were defined based on other studies and experimental doses were used; the results consider that the facilities and management are optimal and in accordance with animal welfare standards.
 e) Findings/Conclusions: The most adequate dose was 1014 CFU/kg BW since it improved WG and reduced mortality. It is suggested to compare oral doses of probiotics to reduce death due to enteric diseases.

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